About me

I spent three years to obtain my PhD degree from the National Center for Text Mining (NaCTeM) at The University of Manchester in Jan 2024, advised by Prof.Sophia Ananiadou and Prof.Jun’ichi Tsujii. In June 2020, I received my Master degree from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Prior to this, I received my BS degree from Nankai University in June 2017.

My current research interests include Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, LLM, Data Mining, Digital Twin and so on.

Things to do today: 1. Get up; 2. Be awesome; 3. Go back to bed. 😄

Recent News

  • 06/2024 Invited to serve as a reviewer for COLING 2025, EMNLP 2024 Demo track, EMNLP 2024 Industry track, CoNLL 2024, DSAA 2024, ICTAI 2024, WI-IAT 2024.
  • 05/2024 Invited to serve as a reviewer for NeurIPS 2024
  • 04/2024 Our paper titled “SuicidEmoji: Derived Emoji Dataset and Tasks for Suicide-Related Social Content” got accepted in SIGIR 2024 Resource track.
  • 03/2024 Invited to serve an editor for Journal Plos One (IF=3.7)
  • 03/2024 Invited to serve a reviewer for COLM
  • 02/2024 Our paper titled “Emotion Detection for Misinformation: A Review” got accepted in Information Fusion
  • 01/2024 Our paper titled “MentaLLaMA: Interpretable Mental Health Analysis on Social Media with Large Language Models” got accepted in WWW 2024 Web4Good
  • 12/2023 I’ve successfully defended my PhD viva
  • 12/2023 Invited to serve a reviewer for ICML 2024
  • 10/2023 Our review paper “Natural Language Processing Applied to Mental Illness Detection: A Narrative Review” were mentioned and cited in TIME Magzine and Mirage News
  • 10/2023 Our paper titled “Towards Interpretable Mental Health Analysis with Large Language Models” got accepted in EMNLP 2023 main conference
  • 09/2023 Welcome to follow our project MentaLLaMa, “MentaLLaMA: Interpretable Mental Health Analysis on Social Media with Large Language Models”
  • 08/2023 Invited to serve on the Program Committee for LREC-COLING 2024
  • 08/2023 Invited to serve as a reviewer for ICLR 2024
  • 08/2023 Invited to join the Program Committee of EMNLP 2023 Industry Track and Demos Track
  • 08/2023 Our paper titled “A Bipartite Graph is all we need for enhancing emotional reasoning with commonsense knowledge” got accepted in CIKM 2023
  • 07/2023 Awarded Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad (600 young talents across the world) 🎉
  • 06/2023 Invited to serve as a reviewer for EMNLP 2023
  • 05/2023 Our paper titled “PHQ-aware depressive symptoms identification with similarity contrastive learning on social media” got accepted in Information Processing & Management
  • 05/2023 Our paper titled “Sentiment-guided Transformer with severity-aware contrastive learning for depression detection on social media” got accepted in BioNLP@ACL 2023 as an oral paper (18.6%)
  • 05/2023 Our paper titled “Disentangled variational autoencoder for emotion recognition in conversations” got accepted in IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing
  • 03/2023 Invited to serve as a reviewer for NeurIPS 2023
  • 02/2023 Our paper titled “Cluster-level contrastive learning for emotion recognition in conversations” got accepted in IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing
  • 12/2022 Invited to serve as a program committee member for ACL’23
  • 11/2022 Our paper titled “Emotion fusion for mental illness detection from social media: A survey” got accepted in Information Fusion
  • 08/2022 Our paper titled “Emotions and topics expressed on Twitter during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom: comparative geolocation and text mining analysis” got accepted in Journal of Medical Internet Research
  • 07/2022 Invited to serve as a reviewer for ICLR 2023
  • 07/2022 Awarded best reviewer (Top 10%) at ICML 2022 and received a free registration
  • 06/2022 Invited to serve as a reviewer for COLING 2022
  • 05/2022 Application for OxML School 2022 has been successful.
  • 04/2022 Our paper titled “A Mental State Knowledge-Aware and Contrastive Network for Early Stress and Depression Detection on Social Media” got accepted in Information Processing & Management
  • 04/2022 Invited to serve as a reviewer for NeurIPS 2022
  • 02/2022 Our paper titled “Natural Language Processing Applied to Mental Illness Detection: A Narrative Review” got accepted in npj Digital Medicine
  • 11/2021 Invited to serve as a reviewer for ACL Rolling Review
  • 10/2021 We train and release masked language models for mental health - MentalBERT
  • 07/2021 Our workshop Computational Approaches to Mental Health was successfully held
  • 07/2021 Acceptance to the General Program as a student at MLSS 2021 Taipei website
  • 06/2021 Invited to serve as a reviewer for ICLR 2022
  • 06/2021 Our paper titled “Automatic identification of suicide notes with a transformer-based deep learning model” got accepted in Internet Interventions
  • 06/2021 Our paper titled “Predicting Sign of Depression via Using Frozen Pre-trained Models and Random Forest Classifier” got accepted at CLEF-2021

Professional services

  • Journal Reviewer:

    ACM Computing Surveys
    AI Open
    Artificial Intelligence In Medicine
    Artificial Intelligence Review
    Big Data Mining and Analytics
    Biomedical Signal Processing and Control
    Briefings in Bioinformatics
    Cognitive Computation
    Computers in Biology and Medicine
    Computers in Human Behavior
    Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
    Expert Systems With Applications
    Future Generation Computer Systems
    IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing
    IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing
    IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems
    IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence
    IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy systems
    IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
    IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
    Information Fusion
    Information & Management
    Information Processing & Management
    Information Science
    International Journal of Medical Informatics
    Internet Interventions
    Journal of Biomedical Informatics
    Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association
    Journal of Medical Internet Research
    Knowledge-Based Systems
    Neural Networks
    npj Mental Health Research
    Plos One (Editor)

  • Program Committee/Reviewer:

    ACL’24, ACL’23, ACL’22
    ICML’24, ICML’22
    NeurIPS’23, NeurIPS’22, NeurIPS’21
    ICLR’24, ICLR’23, ICLR’22, ICLR’21
    EMNLP’24, EMNLP’23, EMNLP’21
    BIBM’24, BIBM’23, BIBM’22, BIBM’21, BIBM’20
    CoNLL’24, CoNLL’23, CoNLL’22, CoNLL’21, CoNLL’20
    PAKDD’24, PAKDD’23, PAKDD’22, PAKDD’21
    DSAA’24, DSAA’23, DSAA’22, DSAA’21, DSAA’20
    ICTAI’24’, ICTAI’23, ICTAI’22, ICTAI’21, ICTAI’20
    AMIA’22, AMIA’21
    ICANN’23, ICANN’22

  • Organizer:

    Co-organizing ICML 2021 workshop Computational Approaches to Mental Health


  • Research Assistant: COVID-19 research funded by Alan Turing Institute of AI
  • Teaching Assistant: Manchester-COMP13212 Data Science
  • Teaching Assistant: Manchester-COMP24112 Machine Learning
  • Teaching Assistant: Manchester-COMP61332 Text Mining
  • Teaching Assistant: Manchester-COMP66090 Masters Project

Awards and Achievements

  • 2023 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad (600 young talents across the world)
  • 2022 ICML Outstanding Reviewer Award (Top 10%)
  • 2019 Beijing Merit Student Award
  • 2019 National Scholarship for Graduate Students
  • 2019 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Merit Student Award
  • 2015 Nankai University Software College Student Union Excellent Union Cadre
  • 2015 ChinaSoft International Excellent Team Award TOP 10%
  • 2014 Nankai University Youth League Excellent Officer Award
  • 2013 Dean’s Cup Debate Competition Software College First Prize